Kerrilynn's Mountain Menu


The world is opening up. This past year has kept so many of us tied to our homes in ways we've never experienced before revealing the habits, patterns and rituals we turn to to calm and ground us. For many, myself included, it's created an even deeper love and appreciation for cooking. For me, cooking was the first way I received love. My Mom was a spectacular cook who I think found it easier to show her love through a bowl of soup, than sharing that same sentiment through words. And although I like to think that I've learned the latter, I realized this last year, that my first way to care for someone is through that same act of preparing them a meal. And I've been doing a lot of that up here on the mountain. Our weekends have been filled with late lunches on the deck, and the menu is consistent. And it's one that you all have been asking for, so I'm sharing the recipes I rely on to love and care for those most important to me. Feed those around you, and welcome a home filled with friends, chatter and a lot of empty dishes at the end of your day. As we always say at CAP, begin within.



1 head of celery

1/2 head of lemon

Herbs of choice; I like cilantro and parsley

2 cucumbers

Greens of choice; I like kale or romaine

Knob of ginger

1/2 green apple



Wash and cut into manageable pieces. Add to juicer for juice!



1-2 heads of the best lettuce you can find

1 cucumber

Sunflower seeds

Seeded Castelvetrano olives

Pickled red onions

Olive Oil

Sherry Vinegar or Lemon

Pink Mountain Salt

Generous grinding of black pepper



This is a VERY loose guideline; use what you have, these ingredients happen to always be in our fridge, use what's in yours.

Wash your lettuce thoroughly and pat dry (this is key to getting the best salad, although definitely the most labor intensive, and often missed, step!). Mandoline or cut very fine rounds of cucumber and red onion. Toss with cucumber, sunflower seeds, olives, salt and vinegar and let sit for a few minutes. Coat with olive oil, black pepper and make sure all leaves are covered. 


I didn't eat eggs for years, so I'm making up for lost time with this dish. If you're coming for lunch at our house, odds are there's one of these on the table.


10 eggs

1 teaspoon Pink Mountain Salt

Generous grinding of black pepper

1/4 teaspoon chile flakes

Greens of your choice; I like a lot in the frittata so the green to egg ration is typically high. I use a whole head of Swiss Chard or Kale


Fresh herbs of your liking



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Crack eggs in a large bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a generous grinding of pepper and chile flakes. Whisk to combine and set aside.

Heat large cast iron pan over medium-high heat, once warm add in 2 T olive oil. Add greens and stir to coat with olive oil, add salt and pepper. Cook until wilted, tasting along the way to check when they are done and taste delicious. Spread evenly in the pan and pour your egg mixture on top, making sure to cover the whole bottom of the pan with the mixture. Turn heat up for about 30 seconds, leaving it alone while heat is high, then pull off the burner and pop in oven. Cook for about 15 minutes, and check. If set, pull from oven and allow to rest in cast iron for about 5 minutes. If not, leave in for another 5, the eggs will continue to cook when out of the oven, so just make sure that they are set and not runny before pulling out. Using a spatula, run it around the edge of the pan, and turn out onto your favorite plate. Squeeze lemon on top and add chopped herbs of choice. This is even better the next day, so if you have the foresight, make it the night before your friends come over.



Aran taught me to make sourdough almost two years ago and I'm forever grateful to her for this gift that keeps giving. It's a weekly ritual of mine, and one that I've grown to love exponentially. And with her recent video release explaining the ins and outs of making the perfect gluten free loaf, you too can add it into your weekly rotation.


My love for potatoes came late in life, upon the passing of my very Irish father, who ate them at pretty much every meal in his 85 year life. I'm carrying on the tradition.


1 pound of potatoes

1 T Urfa Biber

2 T Olive Oil

1 teaspoon Himalayan Pink Salt

Heavy grinding of black pepper




Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut potatoes into similar size smallish pieces (like around an inch or so) and coat in olive oil. Add the rest of the spices, toss to cover completely. Lay baking sheet with parchment paper and place potatoes cut side down and away from each other, so they are not touching. If they touch, they will steam, and not get crispy. Roast for about 30 minutes, checking on them, and turn if they are getting dark on one side. Pull out of oven when done and dust with parsley, a bit more salt if needed and toss together. Add a generous squeeze of lemon juice and serve.

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